Hi there sweet hearts!! I know last post I said it was the last but I felt like doing the 52 weeks of color challenge!! yay! It was green and couldn't avoid it. Green for me means life and hope. Hope is the last to die and while I can see green it means I am in a good world. In 2011 don't forget to have more respect for our world, this is our home.
SKIN: Glam Affair Jadis - Clean
SHOES: -LMK- Gift - Platform studded pointy-toe pumps - 0L
SOCKS: -LMK-Basic knee knit socks - SALE!!
SHIRT: /artilleri/ Othelie blouse
SWEATER: [aRAWRa] Knit Sweater - Green
HAIR: Exile Artemis/Angel Dust - subscribo
BELT: fri. - Wide Waist.Belt (Sour.Apple) - 0L
DRESS: Plaid dress - here - 0L
GLASSES: {T}-The Swingers Lidia Glasses