The face behind this:

Be aware that most of the content exposed here are freebies. Besides that I may accept review copies but will only blog things of my taste, won't lie to my readers.Read more info here. For any other questions you may contact me inworld or : My Flickr Plurk I am also human and have a RL. So if I don't blog something for lack of time is nothing personal. Hugsssss.


Needle it Good

This dress is one more time from Petunia and can be found as the 17th item on the NIAH Hunt. ^^.
Cute Fashion is the store #14 in the NIAH Hunt and you can get this nice dress in there.
Here you have DCNY Summer Mash-Up Outfit - 3. Get it for free here.
July Sunrise Dress - NIAH Hunt - by Crissy Designs. Get it : here.
One more time Petunia and one more hunt. This time you have this cute dress as the #46 item on TAH.