The face behind this:

Be aware that most of the content exposed here are freebies. Besides that I may accept review copies but will only blog things of my taste, won't lie to my readers.Read more info here. For any other questions you may contact me inworld or : My Flickr Plurk I am also human and have a RL. So if I don't blog something for lack of time is nothing personal. Hugsssss.


Kiss from a Rose

So I love hunts...Oh I do! I love zombies... And so I loved ZombiePopcorn Hunt I! Now I believe the second one can be as good or better. So rush to their site and take a peek.
Also hunts are fab... they give you free stuff... from good designers... it's fun... you make new friends and also find out about good shops that no one may not know of... So you have all the reasons to put on your sexy zombie smile and go on hunt. The starting localation is the ZombiePopcorn HQ. I will be featuring as much items as I can on my blog so always come by to see what's new. :]

HAIR:booN XFE275 hair purple - Not free
NECKLACE: Phoenix Rising - Journey Necklace - 10L Platinum Hunt(A closing sale going in there also)
SKIN: -Glam Affair- Sofia (Tessa Outfit) - @ ZombiePopcorn Hunt
OUTFIT: -Glam Affair- Tessa Outfit - @ ZombiePopcorn Hunt
EYEPATCH: [Actuate Eden] Efflorescence ~ Teal eye Patch - 0L (Look for a shelf with gifts)

POSES: [doll.] Tess - ZombiePopcorn Hunt