The face behind this:

Be aware that most of the content exposed here are freebies. Besides that I may accept review copies but will only blog things of my taste, won't lie to my readers.Read more info here. For any other questions you may contact me inworld or : My Flickr Plurk I am also human and have a RL. So if I don't blog something for lack of time is nothing personal. Hugsssss.


Cameras, Lights... ACTION

Greetings all. Bringing more goodies from the platinum hunt because they are fab. This cute jeans (at the hunt) were sent to me by Bela Tolsen owner of *TuttiFrutti* and also this headpiece/glasses made me think about something different. ^^. Toodles.
Headpiece:[KIK] megane OMG! - Subscribo
SKIN: ROCKBERRY for the Platinum Hunt (comes in all tones and bikini also) - 10L
JEANS: *TuttiFrutti* Platinum Blonde Jeans (Golden option comes also in pack) - 10L
BLAZER: [ATOMIC] Ritzy Blazers - Platinum hunt (black option comes also in grey) - 10L
HAIR: ploom - Dot (Ginormouse Pack) - Platinum Hunt Edition - 10L

Have fun with the hunt be aware that things here shown are most from that hunt and so costs 10L. But really worth it. Hugssssss