Greetings all. Bringing more goodies from the platinum hunt because they are fab. This cute jeans (at the hunt) were sent to me by Bela Tolsen owner of *TuttiFrutti* and also this headpiece/glasses made me think about something different. ^^. Toodles.
Headpiece:[KIK] megane OMG! - Subscribo
SKIN: ROCKBERRY for the Platinum Hunt (comes in all tones and bikini also) - 10L
JEANS: *TuttiFrutti* Platinum Blonde Jeans (Golden option comes also in pack) - 10L
BLAZER: [ATOMIC] Ritzy Blazers - Platinum hunt (black option comes also in grey) - 10L
HAIR: ploom - Dot (Ginormouse Pack) - Platinum Hunt Edition - 10L
Have fun with the hunt be aware that things here shown are most from that hunt and so costs 10L. But really worth it. Hugssssss